The 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 校友理事会 is the representative body of the alumni community. 校友被定义为任何从博天堂官方入口登陆登录毕业或至少连续完成两个全日制学期的前学生.
The 校友理事会 is an important resource for the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 alumni community. 它支持任务, goals, 和大学的战略方向, represents the voice of alumni in the alumni engagement planning process, 并积极支持校友参与办公室和机构发展部门. Responsibilities of the 校友理事会 include:
- Inform, involve, and serve the alumni community throughout their lifelong relationship with the University
- Serve as an ambassador for 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 努力提高大学在校友和更广泛社区中的知名度和声誉
- Create, 不断更新, 并执行校友会策略计划,为校友参与策略提供方向
- Facilitate the exchange of ideas between alumni and 博天堂官方入口登陆登录
- Attend and participate in 校友理事会 meetings throughout the year
- 参与及推广由学院发展部主办的校友活动及计划
- 每年选出杰出校友奖及过去十年毕业生奖得主
- 积极参与校友会小组委员会及特设工作小组,推行校友参与计划
- Interview and select Student Alumni Ambassadors each year
- Promote fundraising initiatives by seeking sponsors or funding sources
Comprised of alumni from various backgrounds, class years, identities, 工作经验, 地理位置, our mission is to broadly represent the voices of the 23,在全球拥有1000多名校友.
“这所大学提供重要的学术和经济奖学金的能力使世界变得与众不同. This is also the reason I began engaging as a donor, hoping that whatever I can contribute makes a difference for someone else."
Niquanna (Walls) 巴内特的00
Symone (Russell) 鲍德温的16
自从2012年加入先锋队以来,西蒙娜对卡罗尔的承诺一直很坚定. 她很荣幸通过参与校友会来继续她在卡罗尔的工作.
"I've helped students secure internships and employment, 并随时告诉我在卡罗大学遇到的任何人,让他们考虑把我当作专业资源."
卢卡斯Bennewitz, 12岁
"My Carroll experience certainly prepared me for law school. 文科教育是我在社区中伸张正义和承担责任的基础."
"Having attended Carroll as a first-generation, LGBTQIA +学生, I’m interested in connecting and collaborating with the diverse Carroll community - alumni, students, faculty & staff, 以及未来的学生——让他们知道卡罗尔是一个伟大的地方,让他们开始他们的旅程“在一个多元化和全球化的社会终身学习”."
席亚拉Czajkowski, 21岁
"Every gift matters, whether it's $5 or $100. A little bit can go such a long way, and you might not even realize that. 你的礼物或大或小都将帮助卡罗尔保持这所优秀的学校,并在许多方面取得进步。”
Lauren Dove, 20届
"Giving back to the community is a value that is emphasized at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 从新生入学典礼开始. 这也是我个人的价值观, 支持下一代专业人士将使校友在未来受益,因为他们将与今天的学生一起工作."
Mariela (Lazcano) Garay '15
"Carroll gave me a better understanding of the larger world around me, from the experiences we all share to the ones we don't and make us who we are. This knowledge has been crucial to my career, and I'm still happy to share my experiences and learn from others."
艾米丽吉林厄姆, 20岁
“我喜欢卡罗尔家族的巨大联系! No matter where I go, meeting a fellow Carroll alumni means finding an instant friend."
马克·哈克特' 14
“我从卡罗尔及其捐赠者那里获得的奖学金和援助帮助我取得了今天的成功. 没有他们的慷慨,我不可能成为我们家第一批大学毕业生之一."
"Carroll remains on a strong financial footing with an eye towards the future. 而其他学校则在削减开支, Carroll is looking to expanding its offerings to meet future needs. If we are still moving forward after more than 175 years we must be doing something right."
“如果我剥开我职业生涯的洋葱,它开始于博天堂官方入口登陆登录的一位导师,他欢迎我, 我的孩子也来到了校园. They continued to inspire and motivate me to grow as a person and a professional."
莎拉·詹森, 14岁,硕士.Ed. '18
"I am a proud Carroll grad as my experience there not only shaped my knowledge, 而是我是一个怎样的人. 它给了我一个空间来展现我自己, discover leadership qualities within myself, and gain a greater outlook on life outside of the bubble that I grew up in."
"As critical as financial gifts are to the University’s future, “校友参与”意味着更多! 有无数的回报, 以有意义的方式支持在校生, such as being a guest speaker in a classroom, attending or volunteering at an alumni event, 开发实习或工作机会, 甚至是举办校友聚会."
在博天堂官方入口登陆登录时, I was able to serve in leadership roles in LASO, 学生参议院, 和多样性, Equity, 及包容小组. These experiences sparked my passion for advocacy, helping students access equitable educational opportunities."
桑迪Montes-Gruber ' 10
“正是由于卡罗尔的经济支持,我和我的双胞胎妹妹(作为第一代)才有机会成为我们家族中第一个从四年制大学毕业的人. Without the scholarships and generosity of Carroll Alumni, 我就不会成为今天这样的专业人士."
“成为卡罗尔社区的一员, 无论是现在的学生还是校友, connects you to a distinguished network of Pioneers. Given the significant influence Carroll has had on my life, I find it deeply meaningful to serve on the 校友理事会, fostering support and growth for future generations."
内特Schwarzbach, 13岁
“知道有人在经济上支持我的教育,帮助我取得今天的成就, 激励我奉献我的时间, talent, 和宝藏来帮助明天的校友."
"I’m thrilled to have joined Carroll’s 校友理事会! 我想扩大卡罗尔在双子城的“足迹”,通过担任大使来提高大学在校友中的知名度和存在感. 我渴望与本地和全国的校友建立联系,以促进专业发展, and especially want to invest in the career development of young alumni in Minnesota."
Gaylene (Blau) Stingl ' 90
如果你也相信卡罗尔对你今天的成就起了重要作用, then I want to challenge you to help make that opportunity a reality for someone else."
卡罗尔校友的慷慨使我有可能拥有我认为是独一无二的, 个性化的, 素质教育. I want to help provide this same experience for current and future students."
威尔克斯牧师在2019年担任卡罗尔年度灵魂食品晚宴的主旨发言人,并帮助塑造了多样性, 公平和包容的努力."
Abbie (Bottom) 16岁的范·艾斯,18岁的MBA
先驱者们的慷慨为我提供了经济上的缓冲,使我的教育成为可能. 有一件事我知道是真的,那就是先驱者是永远的,我总是从校友活动中得到比我付出更多的东西.
Can you imagine yourself being a part of our council?
校友会寻求参与, passionate, 以及有兴趣在这个非常重要的职位上服务的忠诚的校友,以支持博天堂官方入口登陆登录和机构进步的使命. One of the goals of the council is to encompass the 23,通过招募来自不同背景的校友,包括但不限于:年级, 地理位置, race, gender, ability, 工作经验, etc. 在校友会中有一个包罗万象的代表对校友会的使命和工作的成功至关重要.
It is expected that all 校友理事会 members will:
- Attend all meetings (6 per year, not including committee meetings)
- 每年至少参加一次校友活动
- Share Carroll events and news with alumni peers – spread the word!
- Make an annual gift to Carroll (Of any size - All gifts matter and make a difference!)
- Share honest feedback as the group evaluates programs, events and methods in order to continually try to engage alumni in the best ways possible
- 适用时担任同学会委员
- Serve on at least one 校友理事会 Committee (Executive, 杰出校友奖, 慈善活动, 年轻的校友, 学生参与)
申请期将持续到4月份. Interested applicants should submit the following to the 校友活动办公室 at alumni@p8216.com 之前或之前 每年4月30日.
Letter of interest that addresses the following:
- Name, Graduation Year(s), Major(s)/Minor(s) at Carroll
- What is your brief biographical history since you left Carroll? Please include professional and/or personal experiences as you deem appropriate.
- What has been your involvement with Carroll since your graduation? (i.e. 参加活动,在校园里做志愿者? 为学生提供实习? 把有意向的学生介绍给卡罗尔? 在教室里讲话? Etc.)
- Why do you want to serve on the 校友理事会? Please expand how this experience might be meaningful for you.
- What is an idea to increase alumni engagement you want the 校友理事会 to explore?
Thank you for your interest and commitment to Carroll! The 校友理事会 will follow up with all interested applicants.